Sunday, 24 November 2019


Allow the changing of the queue priority of an inbound call while the call is in queue. Added new code to help deal with agents on poor network connections. Added feature to give an alert on manual dial campaigns if the phone number area code and the postal code are in different time zones, or if either of them are outside of the local call time for the campaign. There is a more limited set of variables available for use with this option, see the admin. Added ability to force a user password change on the next admin login. Added ability to hide the "Number to dial" field in the Transfer-conf frame of the agent interface. vicidial 2.4

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If the call times out then the call will go on to the next agent. Is all this going to be in the manual? Allow the changing of the queue priority of an inbound call while the call ivcidial in queue. Added ability to force a user password change on the next admin login. Default for both is blank which will keep whatever is set at the top of the viccidial. Added Hold Time Option Minimum option to in-groups which will prevent the hold time option from running until a minimum number of hold seconds.

vicidial 2.4

Board vkcidial All times are UTC. Added password default settings to System Settings and added a first login setup screen This works like dispo call url, but it works only for non-agent handled calls, like dropped calls, No Answers, Busy, etc Looks like the 2.

vicidial 2.4

Return to General Discussion. Added ability to define the agent screen status fields shown to the agent: If the User Group also has Call Log enabled, the agent can also see the call notes from previous calls.

All search queries are logged. These stats are summary stats that are generated from the logs in real-time on the back end, they vjcidial not recalculated every time the screen loads as with most other reports.

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Also, real-time and outbound report reporting have been added to show call counts for these presets. Also, added option to have callbacks count display only triggered callbacks Added validation for Remote Agents to ensure that the User Start is a valid User in the system, also added validation that Remote Agents do not overlap their number of lines into another Remote Agent Also added an option to auto-resume the agent when leaving those funtions.

Added Export Leads Report similar to Export Calls Report, but a lead is only exported once and with the current status. Allows for each campaign to use a different set of labels for the fields on the default agent screen.

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Added ability to disable the Disposition screen on the agent interface. Feature must be enabled in the Campaign Detail settings. There is also an option in the time zone updating script to use this method. Also can be accessed from a vicidiwl database by using the Alt Log settings in System Settings.

This logs calls that come into DIDs in a separate table that includes the in-group and user that the call was sent to, if applicable Added the ability to filter manual dial calls to adhere to the call time scheme selected for the campaign. Added Secondary List Order which allows for further sorting of leads to be dialed by a secondary sorting method Added new code to help deal with agents on poor network connections.

Added options in Call Menus to allow for invalid action on second or third invalid selection by the caller instead of just the first. Added Agent API function logout to log an agent out of their session Searches can optionally be restricted to campaign lists or only one list.

Added webphone options for System Key and Dialpad, may not be compatible with all webphones. Added User Group multi-selection option to the real-time report. Added the ability to hide fields in the agent interface by entering HIDE into the System Settings label option for the field User- level recording settings for the vicldial user of the remote agent will also be followed.

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