Thursday, 21 November 2019


Have the polarity of the CTs been verified? I thought so about the RVAR thing. I'm starting to feel like another poster here at control. They are usually built to "put out" VAr's because most grids "require" VAr's. That's a lot of coordination and manual control.

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The sales contract contains the entire obligations of our company. One reason for this is that if the excitation is reduced too much, the generator field strength will decrease to the point that the generator rotor will fall out of synchronization with the grid, or fall out pfconrol step, or, "slip a pole".

Certain consumer devices need not only active but also reactive power.

I have control over the fuel racks which does not have a typical "Governor" on it, We have put AB Servos with linear actuators to duplicate it. But, I think we're getting somewhere. This is to try to prevent operation in the Leading direction, which pdcontrol generally undesirable for several reasons, but usually because most generators see below just aren't built to be operated at low Leading power factors.

I know I will probally get yelled at again but here it goes anyway. Wish I could be a fly on the wall when the "consultant" is there. Some tips for better search results Maybe that's why the RVAR thing is kicking in--thinking because the exciter voltage is so low that it "must" be in reverse VAr's.

By CSA on 4 May, - 3: You have clicked on the "? Is this a new exciter system, or just a new controller on an existing exciter? Another reason that most generators can't be operated at really low leading power factors is that there is heat developed in the generator which can cause lots of problems and eventual failure of insulation, which can also lead to catastrophic failure.

It's free, and you can customize the content you view, as well as being able to subscribe to threads and topics, getting new posts delivered to your email as they appear. Select the categories for which you would like to see messages displayed Most generator reactive capability curves will show that most generators are built to and can be operated at Lagging power factors well in excess of Leading power factor.

I know somebody for the city should know how they want to run this system, but they don't. Thanks for your help it is appreciated. The latest version is 0. We have had AB down at the site 3 times, and everytime we walk away with nothing. Thank you for the feedback! Sorry for all the exclamation points. Leading VAr and pf are usually considered to be negative. Have the polarity of the CTs been verified?

Your frustration is fairly understandable. From what you've described, and from what I think we "learned" from the previous thread sit would appear that there is some kind of limit which is preventing the AVR exciter regulator from reducing the excitation which would reduce the terminal voltage which would increase the power factor and reduce the VAr's.

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The reactive power needed by consumer devices can be produced locally using a compensation capacitor placed in the vicinity of such devices. I believe you said this is a retrofit control system. Some of the benefits of compensation and filtering are: It's possible that this is one of those situations that's going to really need some consideration and some trained operations personnel with a good operating procedure to be able to operate properly.

That's a lot of coordination and manual control.

PF Control Relay_8 Stage Model RFCN

The app is currently available pfcontroll English and it was last updated on Why reduce the amount of watts, KW, MW by increasing the VAr's and reducing the pf if not contractually obligated to do so or if there's no fincancial incentive to do so? Someone in your organization should be telling you what the desired setpoint for VAr or pf operation should be depending on how the units are being operated in "island" mode or when paralleled to the grid with other generators.

There is likely going to fpcontrol to be some pfconhrol between tap setting s and capacitor settings and generator output capability to make it work with respect to the VAr's at the substation. Use double quotes around phrases, as follows:

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