Friday, 22 November 2019


After several single-releases on Labels such as Tatsu, Midijum or Leviathan, the bigger success came with the realese of their extraordinary debut album "Trittschall" in on Tatsu-Records. Since the project "Magnetrixx" exists and is continously progressing. Recovery Password Recovery Password. Probably - Symphonix Remix. The musical development of Stefan Lewin extends over more than 10 years now. Magnetrixx is Stefan Lewin from Cologne, Germany. lemmink magnetrixx

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The musical development of Stefan Lewin extends over more than 10 years now. Since the project "Magnetrixx" exists and is continously progressing.

Copy and share link. After several single-releases on Labels such as Tatsu, Midijum or Leviathan, the bigger success came with the realese of their extraordinary debut album "Trittschall" in on Tatsu-Records.

‎Phase Shift by Magnetrixx on Apple Music

On their second album "Phase-Shift", Magnetrixx kept their deeply hypnotic sound and balanced it with the warmth of the new UK progressive approach that is taking Germany by storm. It's futuristic tribal and somewhat mysterious. The liveset of Magnetrixx is performed from Stefan and his girlfriend Heike DJane Morganawhich have founded the sideproject Morganixx.

Probably - Symphonix Remix.


He started to play piano for a year when he was magnerrixx years oldafter that he already started to explore the more electronical ways of music. Recovery Password Recovery Password.

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Sonic Cube Artist Info. The secret of Magnetrixx is how they use the tension of opposing elements to their lemimnk, and the end result is always the same: At this point Magnetrixx proved without a doubt that it is still possible to produce a new sound! Login Login With Facebook Register.

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From 60's Hippies and maggnetrixx Disco, through film music and world music to Technical Electronic Music research and beyond. Login or Create account Save and share your playlist with your friends when you log in or create an account. Buy on iTunes Buy on Amazon. It's a new sound: Phony Orphants Artist Info.

Phase shift magnetrixx

The album featured a very unique style, warm and groovy basslines combined with weird totally kneaded sounds, which are mostly created by stefan himself, found a lot of friends all over the place very quickly. Read more on Last. But above all, it's deeply hypnotic!

lemmink magnetrixx

The new album "Wired" maintains the original and particular Magnetrixx hypnotic - magnetic - groove, yet taking it to the next level of humanization and naturalization with brilliant melodies and many musical influences. Magnetrixx is Stefan Lewin from Cologne, Germany.

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